My original intention for this blog was to feature people who I knew personally, artist friends whose creativity inspires me. I wanted to share with my readers, as well as with anyone who taps into this blog, the great people who surround me. But today I can't help but to write about someone whom I have never met, but who I feel like I got to 'know' in such depths in one night- Miss India Arie. This brilliant singer, songwriter, musician and icon allowed us into her life, her person and her heart in a way that was so refreshing and inspiring through her concert at the Commodore last night. My friend Michelle and I attended, but I don't think either of us knew what we were really in for. Though I was already a fan of Arie's music, the concert led me to admire Arie as an individual. And the impact of it...well, I can't seem to get it off my mind, or should I say my heart?
That's what Arie is about- her heart and soul, and the heart and soul of others. Fittingly, her concert tour was named
Soulbird. Images of beautiful butterflies ran throughout her songs, wardrobe and even on the t-shirts that were being sold at the concert. Arie began and ended the night with a p

rayer, and oh, what beautiful prayers they were. I loved that they were in the form of a song, reminding us that communication with a divine power can be made in many ways, and that we are all spiritual beings, no matter what colour, race or religion. In her first prayer, she acknowledged the soulful artists who came before her, who inspired her- "
Sam Cook and Marvin Gay, and Donny Hathaway, and all that came before. You opened up a door. 'Cos of you, change gonna come." And the prayer that ended the evening took the form of her smooth hit "Brown Skin". Both songs are off of her first album- Acoustic Soul. For as many times as I've heard them, nothing could compare to having them sung live by the artist herself, right in front of me.
Brown Skin:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7upx9_india-arie-brown-skin_musicIn her sparkling, tangerine coloured top, with wide, flowing sleeves, along with her shimmering lipstick and golden glowing skin, Arie truly resembled a butterfly- with all its beauty and magic. And her energy filled every corner of the room. Every layer of clothing she revealed under the next was long, flowing, rich in colour- yellows, reds and turqoise. At one point, beautiful orange and black butterfly wings even adorned Arie's back. The way she fluttered them behind her whenever the word
flight or
fly came around simply added to her charisma and authenticity. Authentic- that's what Arie was throughout her concert. She stripped herself of her own superficial layers, until we could see the core of what she was all about.
India Ar

ie touched the audience with her honest words, and giving spirit. But she also touched the audience, literally. There were moments where she would be on stage, and then disappear out of sight to change outfits, grab another instrument, or get a drink of water or tea to soothe her sore throat. So no one seemed bothered when we couldn't see her for a few seconds on stage. But all of a sudden, at one point in the evening, we realized she wasn't actually anywhere near the stage. Because there, among us, on the floor of the Commodore, calmly weaving in and out of the audience, was India Arie herself, singing to her fans as she stood right next to them. Her body guard followed her throughout and lifted her back onto the stage, but I don't think she needed much protection. She seemed to have her own spiritual peace and shield emanating from her. And everyone in that audience was wowed by her presence, and so much respect was given out to her. "We love you, India!" and "You're amazing!" were just some of the shout outs heard throughout the night.
"It gets kind

of lonely up here," explained India, when she got back up on stage. "I don't want to give a show, I want to just share my truth," she added, with a smile. "There shouldn't be this separation between me and you." And she definitely made us a part of her. Her eyes met ours as she sang, and she acknowledged particular people in the audience who were obviously moved by her or reaching out to her. "I feel like she's singing to me, with all of her songs," said Michelle. I knew exactly what she meant. Her lyrics are so unique and captivating, yet they are so universal in their truths that I think the whole audience could relate to them on some level. The song
The Truth was one I hadn't heard before. But it spoke to me and I was amazed at how it, along with Arie's other songs, could provide longlasting messages and lessons with such few words.
Some of my favourite lines:
"'Cause he is the truth
Said he is so real
And I love the way that he makes me feel
And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly because
His light it shines so bright I wouldn't lie ..
If he ever left me I wouldn't even be sad no,
'Cause there's a blessin' in every lesson,
And I'm glad that I knew him at all..."
The Truth:
d who is the amazing talent behind these and many other lyrics? His name is Blue Miller. He is the man who has either written or cowritten Arie's songs, and boy, does the man play a mean guitar!
(Check out his website:
Arie did some cuts off other people's albums as well. Her Sade song was mesmorizing. And what a beautiful rendition of Don Henley's
The Heart of the Matter she sang. Though I like Henley's original, Arie gave it a touch of soul. And somehow it compelled me to really listen to the lyrics more than I had before.
"The more I know, the less I understandAll the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again
I've been tryin to get downTo the heart of the matterBut my will gets weakAnd my thoughts seem to scatterBut I think its about forgivenessForgivenessEven if, even if you dont love me anymore"- from the Heart of the Matter- Don HenleyThe Heart of the Matter:
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x33uy5_indiaarie-the-heart-of-the-matterum_musicThe anecdotes that Arie shared with us were incredibly memorable and telling of her character and people she admires. It seems that
Stevie Wonder has a huge influence on her life. She told us how he always gives her good advice about relationships. "Even though the man is blind," she said, "he has this way of getting so close to you that he is right in front of you, right in front of your face, almost touching your nose." She explained how one day, he held her shoulders, and stood right in front of her like that and said, "LOVE SHOULD NOT HURT."
Arie spoke the world of Mr. Wonder.
And the story she told at the end of the night, about the woman at the dessert place- Heaven On Earth- was priceless, a true testament to Arie's appreciation of a higher power. Arie took the time and effort to go into the shop and find out why this woman was giving away so many sweets and food to customers for free. "She said it was prayer hour and God had told her that she must give people whatever they wanted," explained Arie. It seems Arie herself knows how to listen to her higher spirit and she wanted to share what she learned with us.
What I got from this concert was unexpected. Yet, I hope it stays with me forever. I know she is often described as a soul queen for her singing, but India Arie also, without a doubt, has a beautiful soul. Instead of simply giving us a rehearsed performance while she was on stage, it felt like she gave us her heart, or at least allowed us into a part of it. And there was laughter, smiles and tears fro

m her and from us as a result of it.
A friend of mine told me that I looked especially happy and relaxed today. I could convince myself that it was the sunshine and a good night's rest. But I honestly believe that it was Miss Arie's magic last night - her inspiring spirit and all that she shared with us, as well as the spark of dreams she instilled in me- that allowed me to have such a beautiful day. And maybe people could see the bits of light and peace she passed on to all of us, shining from within me. I am certain I could feel it.
"I see God in you", India Arie, I really do.
"I wonder, I wonder if you really knew,
that I see God in you
And I wonder if you can see,
how much you mean to me
I know you cannot read my mind,
but I hope you feel my vibe
I think it's time I let you know
that, I see the God in you."
-from I See God in You by India Arie
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