I was heading out and was a little tired. And it took me a bit of time to get myself ready, and motivated to go out. I thought I finally had everything I needed. But as I was driving away from my place, I realized I had forgotten to get an address and directions. I didn't want to go back home. So instead, I stopped off at a nearby gas station.
I was going to ask the cashier for some help, and a guy next to me in line looked over at me and said "hello." I barely too notice of him except that his arm was in a sling and he was probably around my age or slightly older. But now, when I think back to that moment, I realize that he looked me in the eyes when he spoke, whereas I probably brushed him off with a quick "hi" as I noticed some map books at the back of the store.
As I flipped through the book to find a particular street, I hear the guy with the sling say in my direction, "You got yourself a $10 000 gold winner there!"
I had no idea what he was talking about, and thought that maybe he was drunk or... But as he opened the door to leave the store, he yelled out to the cashier, "Make sure you give it to her!"
I walked towards the cashier and he pointed to a lottery ticket on the counter and said, "This is yours."
I guess by the confused look on my face, he realized that I didn't know what had just hap

When I looked out the store windows, the guy who had bought me the ticket had just disappeared.
"You won two dollars," said the cashier. "Do you want the money or..." I guess he was asking if I wanted to play again with what I had won. But I decided to take the toonie. And I kept it with me that whole night, in my purse, separate from the other change I had. And I think I'll keep it with me for a long time, or at least until I find something worthy enough to use it on, someone to give it to.
Before I reached my final destination, I noticed a woman on the sidewalk near where I was driving and I rolled down my window to ask her for directions. She assured me I was close, and pointed me to the right block. She then showed me some jewelry she was selling. She said sh

So... I gave her some change and told her to keep her jewelry. And she said, "God bless you sister." That's what I wish for the guy in the sling. "God bless you, Mr. Stranger."
I thought about giving her the toonie, and even looked at it before I gave her some other change, but I decided against it. For some reason, I think I am meant to hang on to it just a little longer.